Cameron Gilliam
Cameron Gilliam is a team and leadership coach with skills to help thoughtfully define and strategically achieve personal, professional, and relational goals. From mindset and leadership development, to decision making and stress management, to purpose and spiritual formation, Cameron brings a personalized and whole-life-integration perspective to help name obstacles and create actionable solutions. Cameron takes a thought-partnership approach to help others develop their own intuition as they discover insights and next steps that were previously elusive. He has a BS in Molecular Biology and an M.Ed. in Human Development with a specialization in Leadership and Organizational Performance at Vanderbilt University.
“Cameron's approach to coaching is personable, thoughtful, and thorough. I worked with him for months as he successfully coached me through unique and challenging personal wellness and career goals. Within minutes of our first session together I realized the depth and versatility of his coaching abilities as he helped me view my perceived barriers from a different perspective. This shift in consciousness, driven by his empathic and introspective guidance, helped me to reframe the problem and identify concrete steps toward becoming a better version of myself.
- Shad | Leadership Trainer
“Cameron is the type of person who you feel like you’ve known your whole life when you’ve only just met. He has a unique gift of making people feel safe, understood, and valuable. I knew instantly that he was someone I could trust, be honest with, and explore thoughts with (all new things to me). I was nervous to dive deep into who I am, what motivates me, and what my deepest values and desires are because I was afraid of what I might find. However, I can confidently say I have an abundance of tools to help me navigate these things because of Cameron. Instead of becoming frustrated with myself or a situation, I become curious. I walk with a deeper sense of purpose, freedom, and joy. The growth I have experienced as a result of our conversations is invaluable.”
- Ashton | Critical Care Nurse
“Cameron is a thoughtful, kind and winsome leader with a sincere hunger to help. He uniquely brings a wealth of knowledge and a breadth of experience to bear on particularly complex challenges. He is a man measured by faith and driven by care for others. I have been personally sharpened by our friendship and partnership.”
- Danny | Executive Director
“Cameron is a generous listener and a sharp strategist. He creates a gracious environment full of deep questions and exciting possibilities. Time and time again, his energy sets my heart at ease and encourages openness and wonder as I process through difficult feelings. Sessions with him bridge the gap between my infinite dreams and concrete reality in a way that is inspiring and electric. He is a loving seeker of truth and an encouraging source of strength for the people lucky enough to work with him.'“
- Daniel | Actor
“Throughout our sessions, Cameron did a great job listening and turning the information into helpful questions and action items to work toward successful change. He displayed a noticeable ability to roll with my comments and interruptions and facilitate good dialogue. He recommended a book which turned out to directly address the issues I had described in a way that resonated and helped bring perspective. The process brought me a lot of peace working through some difficult, long-running communication.”
- Chris | Senior Manager
“I have learned the value and beauty of honesty through Cameron. I used to run and hide from reality for the sake of comfort in ‘safer’ grounds. I have now learned the freedom that comes from courageous honesty. Thank you, Cameron.”
- Tucky | Ontological Coach
“Cameron helped me to begin dreaming again. Dreaming about what I wanted to do in my life and also recognize dreams that I had maybe given up on. He helped me to breakdown why I might have stopped dreaming. Working with Cameron re-opened my heart and mind to consider the possibilities yet to be. I am again excited about my future!”
- Vanessa | Homemaker
“When I first met Cameron, little did I know the adventure that I was in for. I have always been more of an anxious type, but Cameron was the first person to inspire me to get out of that shell, purely for the passion and composure that he displayed. I was so inspired by his fire for The Lord that I began to ask questions, because I wanted the same fire that he had. I wanted to have the same kind of heart for The Lord that Cameron displayed through even something as small as the tone of his voice as he spoke. Through and through, in his values, his personal mission, his aesthetic, even his schedule. Every part of it has been so intricately built with Christ alongside him leading the way, and I saw it and was in awe. That was a man of God. Not just some Christian guy. Cameron’s unique worldview and eagerness to see God’s work in the hearts of people was an amazing tool that God is using to change my life through having him as a mentor.”
- Michael | Worship Minister
M. Ed. in Human Development with focus in Organizational Leadership, Vanderbilt
BS Molecular Biology