Jahmie Lynn
Jahmie Lynn believes that, within you, you hold the power to live a vibrant, balanced and fulfilling life; sometimes all it takes is an intentional, exploratory conversation to bring it forward… that’s where she comes in. With openness and acceptance, Jahmie creates a safe space for you to discover who you truly are. She helps you get crystal clear on where you’re at right now, where you’d like to be, and what’s blocking you from getting there.
Her specialty in mind-body wellness helps you build a life you love from the inside out. She understands that your physical body is quite literally what carries you through this world, which is why it is absolutely crucial to make it part of the equation in your vision for success. Jahmie is so excited to support you as you begin to embody the radiant being you truly are.
“The time that I spent with Jahmie facilitated some of the most transformative changes my life has seen. The work that I did with her allowed me to move towards a much more balanced interface with the world where I am taking input not only from my brain, but also from my body’s emotional responses. The two are now working much more in unison and as a result, my relationships are stronger, my day-to-day choices are much more fulfilling, and I feel energized about my next chapter of life. I am now making decisions that are both logically and emotionally aligned with my purpose, my values, and my vision. Jahmie is truly a unique spirit who not only possesses terrific coaching talent with a unique perspective, but who also cares deeply about outcomes.”
—Matt | Chief Impact Entrepreneur at Inspire-Impact
“Jahmie raised a completely new level of awareness in my body. She taught me how to actually listen to what my body needs instead of just doing what I would normally do when I’m stressed or triggered. This has allowed me to properly take care of myself in the way I deserve. It has now become a consistent practice for me that I take into my life every single day and has resulted in far less pain and much more peace, gratitude, and fulfillment.”
—Paige | Health & Wellness Coach
“Working with Jahmie helped me realize that we all feel emotions, thoughts, and experiences, but how we react to them is who we are and who we become. My reactions are what make me, and because of my time with Jahmie, I now have the tools to consciously choose who I want to be. She makes everything a conversation; it’s never teachy or preachy. She presents the information in such an honest and authentic way, making it way easier to digest and put into action.”
— Zev | Director & Cinematographer
“Jahmie brings a powerful sense of ease to our sessions; conversations flow effortlessly in a safe space with no details being overlooked. I love reflecting with her, as she has a strong ability to highlight the parts of me that need to be heard, and then offers the shifting perspective that I need to move forward with calmness and joy.”
—Rashed | Actor & Singer
“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”