Seth Dahl
Seth has worked with children and parents for over 20 years. He is sought out as a speaker worldwide, so families, individuals, and leadership teams can break free from limiting mindsets, be empowered to build deep connections, and see their dreams become reality.
What Seth offered was something we cannot get from any conferences or workshops. Even though there were many good resources, many times we found it hard to apply after we got home, because every family has its unique dynamics, different history, and culture. Through our sessions, Seth was able to customize the solution that works best for us. With his rich experiences with kids, and being a spirit-led man, husband, and father, Seth was able to give us very specific advice and practical tools to help us resolve our long-term struggles and overcome new challenges that we face.
What’s even more amazing is that Seth is not only an excellent parenting coach, he is also a great personal counselor, marriage therapist, and even provides us with divine insights and confirmations on our ministry.
- George and Jackie Tseng (Taiwan)
I absolutely love how Seth approaches family and the tools he’s blessed us with for our little ones. Every family and mommy I meet, I send them to Seth. He has by far the best tools to practically understand and apply to all ages. He gives more than information alone, but real wisdom that becomes part of your life.
- Marlise Van Der Merwe (South Africa)
Parenting is one of the most humbling experiences of your life. In it, we’ve learned how much you truly do need a team around you to help you build a strong and healthy family. We have worked with Seth in his parenting coaching for a couple of years, and have been blessed immensely by his wisdom, his perspective, and how he relates everything back to the deeper perspective of our opportunities to grow as parents. Our family is thriving as a unit, our connections with our children are strong, and Seth’s wisdom has been tremendous in that. We are so thankful for Seth’s coaching!
- Anderson and Sarah Mohle (Texas)
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.”
- John Muir